Sunday, 18 September 2011

Bargain Buggy

We took a trip to York Designer Outlet today where there's a Mamas & Papas store. We went in on the off chance we might see something we liked for cheap, we didnt expect to find the bargain of the century.
You may remember my last pushchair post (if not you can read it here) where I'd pretty much settled on the Sola with the Aton carseat. Well.. low and behold we rock up and M&P's today to find it there at a large discount. The RRP is £275 and there were 4 or 5 different colour options there for £170. Awesome! All of the pushchairs there are ex-display which doesn't bother me at all for that kind of saving. Anyway... I haven't even gotten to the best part yet... While we were there we noticed an even better deal. A buggy we hadn't really looked at before because it was more than I really wanted to spend, The Urbo.
The Urbo retails at £325 full price but not here... here it was £160!!! Even CHEAPER than the Sola! I seriously don't think I'll find a better deal than that. There were two available in black and we're going back next week with my parents to see it (they're forking out the cash) so fingers crossed one of them is still there but worst case scenario there will be some Sola's which I still really like. Lee is absolutely obsessed with the Urbo now because it's all pimped out in chrome and all but I'm not that bothered either way. They're both really nice.
The reason I was planning on getting the Mamas & Papas Aton car seat (£140) was the £50 off deal when you buy together with the pram but as we will now be buying seperately I'm considering the Maxi Cosi (£125). And do I buy a isofix base or is it safe enough to secure it with a seatbelt? Ugh!! So many decisions and so much expense. I bought one last time (3 actually) and now I look back and can't believe what waste of money it was. I had no idea you didn't need one. They prey on weak expectant parents and their desperate need to protect their unborn children and sell an item seperately that costs nearly as much as the carseat itself to connect it to your car... what a con! I don't know how we allowed this to happen but it did, anyway that's for another post. In the meantime I'm excited to revisit the store next week and potentially bring home our baby's bargain buggy. 


  1. I got my car seat from mamas and papas and it is safe with just the seatbelt I dont have the base but I would have made things so much eaiser as in my mams car the pram body wouldnt fit so whenever we went anyway we had to mss on with the belt :$ x

  2. I really tried to understand that lol
    where wouldn't the pram body fit? do you mean the chassis? and why did that affect the car seat? and what's mss? x


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