Sunday 29 May 2011

14 Weeks

Well baby lemon this week is up to allsorts in my tummy. It's face is more defined and can apparently form expressions like a squint or a frown (can you say ahhhh?) Hair is growing on the head and eyebrows etc and the sex is already determined. If I'm having a girl her eggs are already developed... how crazy is that? It's the soze of a lemon and it has the potential to pro-create.. already?

I , myself am feeling overall much better.. I'm not so tender as I was, no sick feelings whatsoever, the occasional headache strikes and I'm still very tired but that may be as much to do with Ella getting up at 6am lately. I still don't have much of a bump to speak of but my waistline in expanding and I can no longer wear regular trousers. I think this will be the week I invest in some maternity workwear.  I already bought a pair of jeans from Next I'm in love with but Mon-Fri I've been living in maxi skirts and leggings.
So on the whole the 14th week is feeling good!

1 comment:

  1. how exciting, it seems to moving really quickly now lol :D


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