Thursday 7 October 2010

Fertility Issues

Ok... so I intended on using this blog once I was pregnant... maybe that's not gonna happen so soon but it WILL happen... so... I shall use this for my TTC blogs while I'm waiting and leave the title as a hopeful nod to the fertility gods :))) *wink* *nudge*
So.. I said I would tell you all what's going on and I shall..
We discovered about a month or so ago that Lee had what they call a Varicocele!
In a nutshell it's a varicose vein in the testicle that can block off sperm and decrease fertility.
Reason I didn't want to Vlog about this is I have young viewers, it's a bit of a sensetive subject and I warned you of this... If younger viewers want to read this that's fine but I could do without haters telling me I'm being inappropriate and I feel more comfortable talking to you all about this via my blog than my channel... it's a little personal after all!
I've pulled a wikipedia link on Varicocele if you wanna swat up... here it is
Basically an average mans sperm count per ml should be 20million and currently we're looking an 2.7million..
not high!
What's so bad is we went to the GP and they told us the results were back and they were fine
We went to see a consultant and he told him not only were they far from fine but he's going to have to have a small operation!!!
It's an overnight job and shouldn't be too invasive a procedure but It's not great is it?
We're looking at 4-6 months until the op makes a different to sperm production so I'm pretty much giving up on trying for 6 months... we still will "try" I just don't intend on beating myself up about it and getting upset every month when I'm not pregnant.
If it happens, fabulous, if it doesn't, I'll have expected as much!
That's where we are right now,
That's why I haven't updated you coz I didn't really know what was going on.
It kinda sucks but hey hey what will be will be and I know we'll have kids... it just might take a little longer!

Thanks for reading and if you wanna keep up to date on our TTC journey hit "follow"
I'm likely to update this blog more that video logs just because of this issue...
I will VLOG soon as I get my big fat positive though don't you worry!

Love you guys
Your love and support never goes unappreciated


Miss BB


  1. i feel for you i really do , i got sterilised after my last daughter 13 and now quite often i get broody and its heart wrenching that i can never have another baby, im a gran now my eldest daughter has a beautiful wee boy AJ , im 40 i also have a son at 21 , my 2 elder children were from my first marriage and my youngest from my 2nd marriage , i wish i wasnt so hasty i dont feel like a woman any more hope all goes well im sure it will xxx

  2. i wish you and lee all the best, i hope the procedure is sucesful and you can try to concieve and that it all works out for you and what ever the result you and lee are both happy.i cant possible imagine what you must feel like or even how lee must be feeling but i pray for the best.take care xxx

  3. I think still taking the folic acid and conception tablets will still help, also going to a health store to find out if there's anything that he can take to improve the after surgery sperm levels. I'm glad you found out what the cause is though because I'm only in the beginning of my mission in finding out why after 2 years I'm still not conceiving, but it's sad that that was the reason and he has to have surgery. I really hope it goes ok and that he is alright with it all. Good luck *sprinkles with good luck and baby dust*.
    Keep us updated, this helps me millions to know we're not the only couple either.xx.

  4. sending you all the luck in the world from your new subby xxxx

  5. I was told that my 2nd son wasnt possible but hes here so i wish you all the best and i promise ill say a prayer for you.

  6. omg that was me pinktiara08. . i mustve signed up to bogger before! x


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