I am getting so slack with these updates.. he turned 9 months almost a week ago and as I type this I'm still yet to film the video part of this.. God knows how I'll manage to keep to the schedule when I go back to work in 2 weeks *sob*
Just after his last update he started to stand on his own which I think is this months biggest development. He's attempted a step once or twice but nothing successful as yet. I've only managed to capture this standing on film once so far but I'll post that picture separately - I like to be able to search for his individual milestones on here. He's still eating like a little piggy and crying when it's all gone, we've started weaning him on to lumpier food with bits of pasta etc which he's just about coming around to but at first.. he NO LIKEY! His chatter seems to have developed and it often sounds like words, though I imagine that's a coincidence. When I last updated I spoke about his incessant head shaking.. he doesn't do that so much now but he does dance! When music comes on the TV he has several moves he may decide to bust out (my personal favourites are swaying and bouncing) and having run through my iTunes library his favourite song of the moment is 'Your Belong To Me' by Taylor Swift - I will try to film him dancing to this this week. He also likes reggae. Eclectic!

He is the baby of a million faces but most of them I only manage to capture on my phone and subsequently post to instagram so I think I'll do an collage post of those soon 'cause some really do make me giggle! This month he started pushing everything he could get his hands on around the living room like a car.. bit odd but it seems to be what he wants to do. He made his first attempt to get up the stairs last week, couldn't manage even the bottom step but it's yet another thing to be vigilant of from now on. Strangely since it was decided that he would go to a childminders 4 days a week when I return to work he's become more clingy.. he's not a cuddly baby but he suddenly wants holding 24/7. He's more of a Daddy's boy these days though so it's nice for Lee to have that bonding with him as I will be working later so they will have lots of time on their own which they don't so much now. I always miss things off these updates but I think that's pretty much it for the 8th month. Now he's 9 months I'd very much like him to take his first official steps in the next fortnight so I don't miss it but I know these things can't be pushed.. oh and.. still no teeth!
Miss BB